Seattle Public Schools
The Academy for Rising Educators
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is committed to teacher diversity. The Academy of Rising Educators (ARE) is one way we are hiring and recruiting more educators of color.
The program helps SPS high school seniors and recent graduates, current SPS staff, and community members earn their teaching certificate.
While there are many teacher certifications programs in Washington, ARE is the only program that includes district-provided financial support and preferred placement upon completion.
ARE prepares and supports candidates that model three program goals. Candidates are:
- Rooted in our communities;
- Dedicated to long-term teaching; and
- Committed to anti-racist teaching to support students furthest away from educational justice.
The program helps SPS high school seniors and recent graduates, current SPS staff, and community members earn their teaching certificate. In partnership with Seattle Central College, City University, Seattle Teacher Residency, University of Washington Special Education High Incidence Program, Seattle University, the Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL), and the City of Seattle, it provides candidates tuition, academic, and wrap-around supports.
While there are many teacher certifications programs in Washington, ARE is the only program that includes district-provided financial support and preferred placement upon completion.
GROW YOUR OWN (GYO) - Alternative Routes to Becoming an Educator
With over 50% students of Color, Seattle Public Schools needs more Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) and those who speak multiple languages in our schools. Having even one Black teacher increases a Black child’s chances of going to college. All children benefit when they learn from teachers who reflect the rich diversity in their communities.
- Are you a current staff member Interested in becoming an educator or a teacher?
- Need financial assistance to get it done?
- Are you a parent volunteer and want to make the change to a career in teaching?
How does it work?
Check out the Grow Your Own Alternative Pathways Programs
GYO alternative pathways are innovative programs that allow those working in education a pathway to certification that is enriching, classroom-based, and manageable! Most of the programs available are fully accessible online so you can access the curriculum from anywhere while continuing to work in your current role throughout your program.
Read Other’s Stories
Check out the stories of others who have walked alternative paths to become educators in Seattle Public Schools.