Showing up for students so they know their voices matter. Learn more on Diana Rodriguez's why.
Alex Castro-Wilson: High School Superstars—When Students Become the Teachers
Alex Castro-Wilson, 4th grade teacher at Benson Hill Elementary School, Renton School District
Alex’s pathway from high school teacher academy to paraeducator to certified teacher
How did you earn your teacher credential?
I started out in community college, first at Green River, then Highline College, got my Associate’s Degree, then transferred to Central Washington University, where I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and a minor in Early Childhood Education.
How long did take you?
Seven years. My journey was a little rocky. My mom and I spent some time homeless while I was in high school. I lost three family members during a six-month period while in college. My mom suffered heart failure at one point. I tried online school for a while, as we dealt with her recovery. It was a really tough time, but I stuck with it because I knew I wanted to
How did you pay for school?
For the first first few years, I qualified for grants and financial aid that I didn’t have to pay back. Later on, paid for school with a combination of student loans and my income as a paraeducator.
Have you taken any steps to continue your education?
Yes! I got my ELL Endorsement and Master’s in Education at Seattle University, where I learned strategic and practical ways to to better support not only English Language Learners but all kids. I'm also pursuing a Master’s in Special Education at Washington State University.
More about Recruiting Washington Teachers
Recruiting Washington Teachers (RWT) is a Grow Your Own high school teacher academy created in 2007 that aims to diversify the educator workforce, close the opportunity gap, and diminish the teacher shortage by encouraging underserved, multicultural, and multilingual students to become educators.
The Bilingual Education Initiative (BEI), launched in 2017, works to achieve the same goals, with a focus on developing future bilingual educators.
The goal of both programs is not only to inspire more students of color to become certified teachers, but also education leaders who make a difference in their communities.
“[RWT] gave me a sense of purpose and it made me find a reason to come to school. All this time I thought there was something wrong with me for how I struggled in school until I joined [the] teacher academy and learned how to be a better student and ho w my teachers could better support me and my unique needs and learning challenges.”
— RWT student in Recruiting Washington Teachers’ 2019-20 Annual Report.
Visit for more information about steps you can take during high school to prepare for a career in teaching.
Questions? Go to our Becoming an Educator tool to connect with an Educator Pathway Navigator who can respond to questions specific to your situation.
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Learn why Glenn Jenkins made the switch from telecommunications engineer to teacher in his early 40s, when he and his wife were about to have their first child.
Read more about Alex’s pathway from high school teacher academy to paraeducator to certified teacher
Once a student in high school teacher academy, now a mentor. Learn more about Alex Castro-Wilson's why.
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